AMR and water reuse in Agriculture



International Workshop on Water Reuse in Agriculture and the Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance

financeur metha

On October 22-24, 2024, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment [INRAE] is hosting an international workshop entitled Water reuse in agriculture and the risk for development and transmission of antimicrobial resistance. This workshop is sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems , and by the AgroEcoSystem division of INRAE, the Agroécologie Laboratory, the regional council of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, and Dijon Metropole.  The workshop organizers are Ed Topp [INRAE], Dominique Patureau [INRAE], Erica Donner [University of South Australia] and Eddie Cytryn [Volcani Institute]. An interdisciplinary group of 40 colleagues from Europe, Asia and North America representing the research, industry, policy and regulatory communities will meet in Dijon.